Wednesday 9 April 2014

Adventures of Raghu - Camping with Uncle Seher

It was that time of year again! The days were getting longer and warmer with summer vacations fast approaching. Therefore, the only thing on Raghu’s mind was the camping expedition
planned with his Uncle Seher in the coming month.
Raghu was 11 now and since the age of 8, he had spent at least 2 weeks of every summer vacation bag packing in the outdoors with his uncle. They had visited Kodaikanal, Coorg and had even gone to Madhya Pradesh once. This time however, uncle had planned a trip to the Himalayas.

Raghu was thrilled! It was the first time ever he would be visiting the great Himalayas.He had read about them in his text books, heard stories about them from his uncle, seen documentaries on TV, but he had never actually been there. To top it all, travelling with Uncle Seher was really an adventure of its own.
They would just carry basic food items and camping equipment with Uncle always looking to take remote alternate routes. He told umpteen stories on the way and would talk about the flora and history of the place as you walked with him. There was always something to learn when he was around.

Raghu was looking out his window when the phone rang. “Hi Boy!” said Uncle Seher. “Hope you’re ready for the hills!” Raghu laughed back in excitement as Uncle Seher continued - “We’ll be heading to Jalori pass and Sarolsar Lake in the Himalayas the second week of May.
We’ll also do some rock climbing this time so I want you to begin learning some basic knots before we go. We will also be trekking long distances so I want you to start building your stamina. Start running and biking a few hours a day Raghu. We’ll take our own tents and food supplies and will camp each night. The routes I’ve planned are a little out of the way! Pack some swimming gear too. There are plenty of waterfalls on the way! You’ll be happy to know I’m getting Leela along this time Raghu.” Leela was Uncle Seher’s beloved Labrodar that he brought along on trips sometimes. Raghu screeched – “Leela!!!! This is like the icing on the cake. “

Raghu put down the phone and thought to himself - “I’ll start with the Figure of 8, Clove Hitch and bowline knots. I remember uncle once mentioning that they are the most commonly used knots in rock climbing.
Figure of eight knot
I’ll also take my telescope this year and learn to find the different constellations. I remember how we saw a million stars in the night sky when we went camping last year." Hiking shoes, bag pack, mosquito repellant, sleeping bag and woolen clothes lay all around Raghu’s room as he sat day dreaming of the adventure that awaited him. 

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