Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Adventures of Raghu - the challenge

Raghu had always been an avid lover of the outdoors. Life for Raghu was an adventure. Having been brought up in a little town adjoining a forest, Raghu was always out on the prowl. His mother could hardly keep up with him and his notorious ways. 12 years old now, while other kids were busy playing video games, reading books or playing in the playground, Raghu would pick up his bike and be on his way into the forest to explore the wilderness, climb trees, make wild friends and dwell deeper into the secrets of the outdoors.

Today morning, Rasiya, a spectacled cobra and Raghu’s dearest companion came rushing in through the hole in Raghu’s room wall. Raghu had made this secret hole in his room wall an year ago. It connected to the garden outside, through which Rasiya could easily slither in. It was a well- kept secret which only Raghu and Rasiya knew. “They’ve given out the first clue Raghu! Here is the leaf they have written it on!” squealed Rasiya as he gasped for breath. “Really! “ cried out an excited Raghu as he jumped to grab the leaf from Rasiya’s mouth.

It had been a month since Raghu was biking home one evening and had suddenly noticed a man with long hair and a big beard, streaks across his face, swinging across tree branches. “Was it really possible? Was there really a Tarzan?” was the first thought that had crossed Raghu’s mind! He had quickly parked his bike and run towards the voices he heard. They were wild calls, hooting sounds and noises of clapping. There he had seen a large group of human looking people with strange marks on their faces. He had later discovered that they were the Arsea tribe members. He had kept a close watch on them ever since and been absolutely fascinated by their physical abilities.
They could swing from tree to tree, jump in ways no humans could, climb trees like large lizards, make strange yet wondrous sounds and roam freely in the forest like any other animal. Their major food was also only honey!

Raghu had so badly wanted to be a part of the tribe and learn their ways since then. He had tried to meet the chief of the tribe to become a part, but the chiefs men would not let him get past them. They detested people from town and spoke rather harshly with Raghu. It was Rasiya who had then intervened and spoken to them of how Raghu had helped many animals and beings in the forest. This had opened them up to giving Raghu a fair chance. They had challenged Raghu to three tests. If he passed, they promised they would let him meet the chief.

Today they had sent a message on a leaf to Raghu through Rasiya. It carried in it a riddle -

“They’re scared of me but I don’t know why
I’ve made so many children cry!
I cannot be seen, I cannot be heard
But you can find me in a hole or mountain cave. Now isn’t that absurd?”

Below it was another line in bigger letters -

Come meet me, the chief's minister, at the answer near Tiger hill.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Adventures of Raghu - the world of clouds (Part 3)

Continued from Part 2 (scroll below to read).....

As Jeeva looked up, there in front of him, the dove that Nadia had sent with Hirsek, started dispersing and a huge magnificent heart appeared in the sky. One of the most splendid hearts he had ever seen. It was almost as though the heart carried in it a life of it's own.

Hirsek had come closer now and watched as Jeeva's half dead eyes, suddenly gained a new sparkle. Suddenly as though from nowhere, a soft, gentle voice came from the heart up above in the sky -

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows, here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide, and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart, I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart.” (*)

As though awakening from a slumber, Jeeva suddenly started to blossom into his original beautiful self.
Hirsek could not help tears flowing from his eyes as he watched his dear Jeevavriksha coming back to his original glory, the glory of the days long gone. It was the secret to eternity that Nadia had spoken of, it was the secret that kept hearts eternally young.

Raghu rubbed his eyes as a smile dawned on his face. He watched the beautiful Jeevavriksha standing tall in the sky. Jeeva would always be there for anyone who looked up to him in the sky for eternity and beyond. "Isn't that simply beautiful" Raghu called out to Rasiya, his dear snake pal who was lazing near Raghu's feet. "Hmm..." mumbled back Rasiya. "Oh Rasiya, you're too busy sleeping when the sky is telling me such marvelous stories!" It was almost dusk and Rasiya slowly got up and pushed Raghu with his wobbly body - "Raghu you better get back home, don't you have a Math test tomorrow?" "Good old, practical Rasiya! What would I do without you?" laughed Raghu as he started to get up and move towards his bike that he had laid at the side.
It surely was time to get back home after a whole exciting day of cloud watching!

(*) taken from e.e. cummings poem I carry your heart with me

Share with us any comments you have about the story you just read.....

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Adventures of Raghu - the world of clouds (Part 2)

Continued from last time (scroll down below for Part 1 of story).......

So Hirsek went in search of Ayash and Dhaani to the land of the mystical lake. As he entered this land he saw creatures he had never seen before. Some were half human and half animal and yet others were of odd shapes and sizes. They were all however very happy, laughing and smiling. Ayash and Dhaani ruled this land and they were known for the love and care they showered on all the creatures they ruled over.

As Hirsek looked into the distance there he saw the heavenly mystical lake with mist covered over the entire lake giving it an eerie yet mystical feel. Ayash and Dhaani were standing above the lake talking to some of the mermaids in the lake. Hirsek started moving towards them. They smiled as soon as they noticed Hirsek approaching. 

As Hirsek reached towards them and was about to speak, Ayash and Dhaani warmly said to him - “Give us a few moments, we know why you are here.” They then began speaking rapidly with intermittent soft sounds that Hirsek could not understand. Ayash was swirling in circles, creating a kind of small tornado with the air, while Dhaani, in the centre of this tornado was rapidly changing form. All of a sudden a drop of water flew out of Dhaani’s body and slowly started taking shape. Within a few moments, as Hirsek looked up he could not believe what he saw. The drop had turned into Nadia - glorious, beautiful Nadia, standing there with a smile only unique to her.
She was beyond space and time, she existed and yet didn’t exist, that is why no one could ever find her Hirsek realized. Nadia immediately embraced Hirsek. “Tell me what I can do for you Hirsek. How is Jeevavriksha?”

“Jeevavriskha is dying Nadia. He wanted me to find you and convey to you that his heart has failed you and he is dieing.” Nadia smiled gently. “His heart can never fail me dear Hirsek, as mine can never fail his. I will give you a secret which is the elixir of life. He cannot die. It is this secret that keeps even the weakest hearts beating until eternity.The heart I gave him will beat until eternity and beyond.” Hirsek hesitated and asked with a tear in his eye - “But then why is Jeeva dying?” Nadia looked at Hirsek and spoke softly as she magically created a dove from the clouds and told Hirsek to take this dove back to Jeeva.

"This magical dove carries a secret that will be revealed the moment Jeeva sets eyes on her. Take this dove back with you Hirsek and show her to Jeeva. He will recover as soon as he sees the secret.” said Nadia to Hirsek. Hirsek thanked her profusely and holding the dove tight to his chest, he swiftly ran back to Jeeva as fast as his legs could take him. Jeeva was withered, frail and dieing by the time Hirsek reached back.

As soon as Hirsek saw Jeeva from far, Hirsek began to call out to him – “Jeeva, look what I have brought back to you!” Jeeva was tired, his head was drooping and eyes were closed. He did not have energy left in his body to even speak or stay awake anymore. Jeeva slowly opened his eyes as he recognized Hirsek's voice calling him. As Jeeva lifted his head with great difficulty, he could not believe what he saw infront of him......

What is the secret the magical dove holds? What does Jeeva see when he lifts his head? Tell us what you think..............

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Adventures of Raghu - the world of clouds (Part 1)

“You had to pay attention. You had to pay attention to the clouds and the sky and it would reveal to you a secret, a story of the beyond.”
As Raghu laid there on the grass looking up at the sky he remembered this ancient secret. He began seeing the forms, the shapes the clouds were taking. He slowly sank into another world. The secret door to the beyond was opening up.

There it was, today after many years, the tree of life, Jeevavriksha, also known as Jeeva had appeared in the sky. Hirsek, his beloved companion and the strongest horse ever there was, was standing near him.
 It was a beautiful sunny day and they were enjoying each others company. Hirsek had lost his parents when he was very young and grew up under Jeeva’s care. He adored Jeeva and lived his life for him in every way.

Jeeva had lived his life serving others. His wisdom was widely sought by many – gods, goddesses and men and women on earth, all came to him. A long time back the goddess of clouds, Nadia had been in big trouble with the God of Winds, Vayu. 

The time Vayu had wanted to overtake the world
Vayu was keen to overtake the world with his powers and wanted to kill Nadia. At that time Nadia had sought Jeeva’s help. Jeeva had sent her on Hirsek’s back to meet Sebastian, the god of space. Sebastian who had earlier supported Vayu in whatever he did, decided to withdraw his support. Without Sebastian’s support, Vayu became weak and listless.  Nadia and Sebastian soon fell in love and betrothed. Nadia had since been ever grateful to Jeeva. To ensure that Jeeva could help people till eternity, Nadia had offered Jeeva the most beautiful and pure heart this world and the heavens had ever seen. This heart would keep Jeeva young and alive forever.

Today however it was visible, something was wrong with Jeevavriksha. He was drooping and was almost whispering into Hirsek’s ears.
A drooping Jeevavriksha
“Hirsek my heart is withering, I’m dieing” he said. “I am not able to help people the way I used to. I need to let Nadia know that my heart has failed her. Will you go dear Hirsek? It will not be easy to find her since no one knows where she lives.” For Hirsek, his life was Jeeva and he was ready to risk anything for him, but was absolutely bewildered on where to go. “Then which way should I go to find her Jeeva? “ To which Jeeva replied in his characteristic wise manner – “Go in whichever direction the wind guides you.” And so Hirsek began his journey.

The scene in the sky slowly changed. At first trees and forests were visible, then the sea, then mountains started to appear.
The journey Hirsek takes through mountains, forests and over seas
 Hirsek asked the mountains if they knew where Nadia lived. To answer him, the mountains began to move apart and out flew a beautiful white dove. Hirsek looked in awe at the dove and asked him if he knew where Nadia lived.
The white dove told Hirsek to go to the sun god, Surya, as he knew the whereabouts of the wind goddess. Hirsek knew that the only way to go to Surya was though the hole of heaven, so he went in search of that.

Finally, a beautiful wide opening appeared among the clouds. 

Hirsek quickly entered the passage to meet Surya. Surya told Hirsek that only the god of Air, Ayash and goddess of water, Dhaani, knew of Nadias whereabouts. “No one else can ever find her.” Surya told Hirsek.

So Hirsek went in search of Ayash and Dhaani to the land of the mystical lake where they both lived.

Does Hirsek find Nadia? Is he able to save Jeevavriksha's life? Read next week for more..... 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Outdoor activities with kids - Day sky watching activity

Sky Watching: When was the last time you saw a cloud that really looked like something?  If it has been a while, it is time to do some sky watching.  The great thing about the sky is that it is always changing - sometimes it's colours, sometimes the shapes of the clouds!  On a warm winter day, lie down in the grass or on your house terrace and watch clouds go by. Look for interesting shapes, animals, people, objects. Use these to create a story of your own.

You could write it down and draw the cloud shapes on the side. A great way to enjoy a winter day!
Share with us your stories. We'd love to hear them!